Guichon Residence


On June 25, 2021 the Heritage Calgary board approved the following site to be updated to the Inventory of Evaluated Historic Resources.

John A. Tweddle Residence

Guichon Residence – 320 Scarboro Avenue SW (Scarboro) Year Built: 1923

Evaluated as a Community Historic Resource

Scarboro, known as Sunalta Addition at the time, was owned by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company who engaged the renowned John Charles Olmsted (1852-1920) in 1909 to design a “Picturesque suburb”. The Guichon Residence, constructed in ca 1915, is a prominent example of the Olmsted Plan early residences that met and established the dominant character of the street. (Symbolic Value – Community-wide Value)

The Guichon Residence is valued for its long-time owners Urban J. G. (1918-1993) and Mary I. (1924–2010) who saw the city as their “community” and significantly contributed through their family business, Riley and McCormick Ltd., including in agriculture, politics, and with several local organizations. (Person Value – City-Wide Value)

The Guichon Residence is an exemplary example of a Georgian Revival-style by its symmetry, side-gabled roofline with wide eave overhang, elaborate centralized front entrance with arched pediment and sidelights, aligned horizontal symmetrical paned window rows, and prominent shed roof dormer. (Style Value – Community-Wide Value)